This is gonna be a bit of a lengthy post.(You've been warned :p )
What I'm gonna share is my personal preference/opinion with switching up your skins with one shape. I only share from experience. I feel somethings some ppl can agree upon and somethings ppl won't. To each their own. That's the beauty of SecondLife.
Hi guys & dolls!
So a friend of mine had asked me sometime ago after I released my Aida shape if I had tried her out in any other skins?At that very moment in time no, but I did plan to. (but that's besides the point, and I digress.)
So I set out about doing it late last night. I went through my ridiculous folder of skins in my inventory to choose just a few to show.
Here; here's a taste of what my skin folder looks like: Click here to see a gyazo of my skin folder!....Sadly enough....that's not even HALF of what I own that's being shown.
Here's what I captured:
I must say I'm actually quite relieved that Aida doesn't look too "alien" in any of these skins. I'm quite pleased to say the least.She's universal. Which is what I strive for with my shape creations "individuality, uniqueness and versatility."
Here are the skins that I am wearing:
(from left to right top row)
*Birdy: Maisie skin (VIP GIFT)
*Egozy: Laoya skin in "brun" tone.
*Egozy: Mendoza skin in "fair" tone.
*Essences: Wednesday skin in "darktone".
(from left to right bottom row)
*Glam affair: Amberly skin in "arctic valentine 02".
*New faces: Faye skin in "summer".
*The skinnery: Alice skin in " 6 champagne".
*Marina: Kira skin in "beach".
((Additional credits for stuff I'm wearing:))
-Eyelashes: Mons cheri- Mesh alpha lashes w/ hud.
-Teeth/mouth alpha: PXL- Open Mouth-PRO-Basic-Pack-The-Original (vrs 2.0)
(I happen to be wearing an older vrs in this pic, vrs 1.31.)
Before I conclude this post I'd like to share a bit of knowledge I have gained through my collecting of various skins and creating of various shapes.
There are 2 areas on a skin one should really take into consideration when they are interested in purchasing a new skin or shape.
- The nose.
- The mouth.
These 2 areas are key to indicating whether or not a skin or shape will look good on your avatar.
Both these areas are areas that most skin designers do either 3 things:
- Shade/contour/highlight like a true beat faced honey. (okrrr!)
- Leave the bridge of the nose entirely flat (no shading/contouring/highlighting) and leave all the detail for the nostrils and septum of the nose.
- OR....some designers simply lightly shade/ contour the bridge of the nose of their skins.
So with that knowledge you could look at a new skin of interest that; for example has a good visible amount of shading/contouring on the bridge of the nose and tell that it'll look funny on your avatar's shape that is currently in a skin that has soft shading on the bridge or vice versa . This is when you need to go in and edit your shapes nose and or lip sliders to your liking. This applies for just about any other body part on a skin that differs in shading.
If you didn't know all this before, you're welcome.
If you did, you're welcome.....I'm glad I made this post too. (LOL)