Thursday, June 28, 2012

Roxanne pt Trois

Hello again Guys + Dolls!:D

I'm back again with my newest release over at D i t t o*! (exciting, I know!)

Anywho, the Barbie looking blonde to the far right in the pic is my new release.
(But why is her name "Roxanne" as well? She looks nothing like your other 2 releases?!?!)

Do not fret dolls, 'tis only a different skin I decided to use for this ad. I really needed to capture the essence of a "sex toy" for this I went bimbo. Only right way to do it.

Any who the facial features of this version of the "Roxanne" shape is just about the same as my previous releases...just a thinner bridge and thinner nostril width.

Yes, her boobs are HUGE that's the point, lol. So if that's your "type" I'm sure you and those around you will get a kick out of "Roxanne" the sex toy version! :D

She also has a drastically + dramatically narrower waist than ALL of my previous "Roxanne" releases. Once again a part of the territory of looking like a walking sex toy. I've also took the courtesy of making a flat chested "prim boob" version for all the prim boob dolls out there!! 

Per usual a style card is attached! :D

She's up on the marketplace ready + waiting! ;)


[ S. J ]

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Roxanne pt.Deux


So as you can probably not tell (LOL) the 2nd pic above is a pic of my new shape @ D i t t o*!
(but she looks like your "Roxanne shape" above it, you know the one you posted about before this one?)

Yes + No.

This version of Roxanne as I have mentioned in my last post is the "Pear shape" version. The Roxanne in my last post is the "Hour glass" version.

This version of Roxanne is a bit more on the realistic anatomy of "todays" woman. (I don't really know/fully agree about that, but I did read somewhere that "pear shapes" in women is THEE most common body type among the females species.)

ANYWHO! This is Roxanne the "pear shape" version. Her waist isn't as narrow and connects better to her wide set "child bearing hips" compared to the "hour glass" version. She's also on the thick side y'all. Other than that she has all the same features as the "hour glass" Roxanne shape.

I hope you guy's + dolls love her!

Check her out + try the demo version before you decide to buy her!


[ S.J ]

Monday, June 11, 2012

Roxanne, you don't have to put on the red light.

This is Roxanne. I took inspiration from my last post and my little findings from a few lovely ladies over on Flickr and my census thus far has pointed me in the direction of CURVES. Not your average curves, sex kitten/ Jessica Rabbit curves.

The hour glass figure.

Yep, so out came Roxanne here. Ain't she a smoke show? I decided as well to make her face almost cat like--"exotic" sharp angled features, ya know?

I also took the liberty of making Roxanne in a "Pear shape" , "Petite" and a "Sex toy" version.
 refer to this chart to see what I mean:

I'm working on releasing them soon--separately.

For now Roxanne is available in the "Hour glass" shape:

**A demo of the "Hour glass" Roxanne shape is now available on the Marketplace.**



Sunday, June 10, 2012

What's your type?

There is something that I have noticed in SL that has been a trend even before I got there. The default character test avatars are even proof of it as well.

Avatars in secondlife are MEANT to be amazons.'s true. Your surroundings in some sims alone attest to that as well. Buildngs and especially furniture sometimes are made quite large. So my theory is avatars in SL are MEANT to be atleast 6 feet tall...well atleast only the adult avatars.

Yes it's completely absurd but it's--as crazy as this will read--secondlifes "reality." Whatever the 'eff that is, right?

I personally don't like my avi's too tall. My personal avatar shape stands at 6"2 without heels and in heels she stands at 6"7ish. I have my days when I look at her and think "Good gravey you look Amazonian today" and I shrink her down a notch. (Making sure everything is still in proportion, limbs wise)

And of course there's other days that I feel like embracing my inner wannabe model and I let her be at her Amazonian stature.

BUT....I am aware that EVERYONE has a "type". And especially in SL with a lot of the female avatar shapes all walk around with ridiculous frowns (trying to mimic what's suppose to be "sexy duck faces") I don't think I'll ever understand what's "sexy" about an exaggerated frown. And then there's the un-proportionate female avatar shapes with ridiculous measurements in their hip widths especially.....just SUPER wide which is accompanied by an unrealistic and un-natural looking narrow waist. Some of them (more than I'd like to count) have T-rex arms (arm lengths that are WAY to short to be considered a well proportioned avatar mimicking the real life anatomy of a human body) and then there's some with out of this world big asses to go with the ridiculously wide hips and itty bitty almost not even there narrow waist. And then there's the rail thin, no curves to her at all a mile tall "model" females avatars. I'm all for androgyny and high-fashion....but for once can we not follow reality and give fashion in SL a healthier look with our models? All in all it's just all around ridiculous-ness in the shapes department in my humble opinion in SL.

This is no attack on anyone who happens to look like this in SL but more of an observation and analysis on what shapes are popular in SL and why? I know Secondlife is basically a fantasy for most residents and most disregard anything that is similar to "reality" but I've been wondering recently if there's a demographic of SL residents that share even just a FRACTION of my thoughts and opinions on shapes in SL and if they're following a trend or they just happen to have a "type" of shape they like?

I'm just a super curious shapes creator with a fascination with beautiful yet unique aesthetics in shapes in SL.
I'm not necessarily looking in changing EVERY residents look of shape in SL but I'd at least like to have a hand in improving it.


What's your type?

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Monday, June 4, 2012

Store logo/banner?

Soooo, I think this will be my stores logo/banner....not fully sure how I feel about it at the's late. I shall review my thoughts when I'm of a clearer and more alert mind....I'm just tired + lucid now...hence why I think this logo I just made in GIMP looks like an acid trip to me....let me stop....I'm putting this up in my marketplace store.


 Gimp Glitter GIMP brushes:

G'nite, Guys + Dolls!

Oh, Kiko!

This is Kiko, my newest shape added to my shop: D i t t o*. To me she's actually quite old. I have waaay too many shapes lying around in my inventory that I wear every once in awhile aside from my default one that I've modeled off of my own looks. Kiko happens to be a part of that "lying around in my inventory" statistic.

Kiko, however....much like a good portion of my other shapes; is of original imaginings in pixelated manifestation. Although I was very much inspired by the character "Sayuri" from "Memoirs of a Geisha." and model/actress Devon Aoki with the light coloured hair + freckles.

Her stature is very model like so if your in the market for an extoic/model like shape, Kiko's your girl!

There's only limited quantities available, so hurry and get one!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Alexa, Alexa, Alexa!!

This is Alexa, everyone Alexa....Alexa, everyone. Okay now...intros are out the way. Alexa is my debut shape for my little Marketplace shop: D i t t o*-- She was made in The body co's Lilac skin in fair--so if you desire this EXACT look slap on The body co's Lilac skin and take a peek at the style card I put together for all my customers who will purchase this shape! There's only a limited quantity of her--so if you dig her look, act fast!


Not another blog.....

This is my secondlife blog....I think I will mainly use it for the pics I take in sl, and also this blog will serve as an outlet to market my shapes I create in secondlife for my little marketplace shop called
"D i t t o*".  D i t t o* has been an idea I've been kicking around in my head as of late and a shape I made this past week just kind of inspired me even more to go through with my idea for a shop.

It was all very "impromptu" how D i t t o* finally came to be. There are A LOT of things that I still need to sort out: A logo, marketing schemes, demos, my demographic of audiences and an in-world shop. (I don't think I could get away with my little marketplace shop forever, lol) With all that said I feel I must make one more point clear: THIS IS NOT A FASHION BLOG....I am no fashion blogger in that sense....just a humble chick with artistic passions and a eye + love for fashion. That's all. However if I post something that you're interested in knowing where I got a particular item from--please feel free to msg me here...or in world.

I am known as Starr Joles, your resident/fav shape shifter! ^_~

Welcome + enjoy.