Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Just a lil' skin/shape FYI....



This is gonna be a bit of a lengthy post.(You've been warned :p )
What I'm gonna share is my personal preference/opinion with switching up your skins with one shape. I only share from experience. I feel somethings some ppl can agree upon and somethings ppl won't. To each their own. That's the beauty of SecondLife.

Hi guys & dolls!

So a friend of mine had asked me sometime ago after I released my Aida shape if I had tried her out in any other skins?

At that very moment in time no, but I did plan to. (but that's besides the point, and I digress.)

So I set out about doing it late last night. I went through my ridiculous folder of skins in my inventory to choose just a few to show.
Here; here's a taste of what my skin folder looks like: Click here to see a gyazo of my skin folder!....Sadly enough....that's not even HALF of what I own that's being shown.

Here's what I captured: 

I must say I'm actually quite relieved that Aida doesn't look too "alien" in any of these skins. I'm quite pleased to say the least.

She's universal. Which is what I strive for with my shape creations "individuality, uniqueness and versatility."

Here are the skins that I am wearing:
(from left to right top row)
*Birdy: Maisie skin (VIP GIFT)
*Egozy: Laoya skin in "brun" tone.
*Egozy: Mendoza skin in "fair" tone.
*Essences: Wednesday skin in "darktone".

(from left to right bottom row)
*Glam affair: Amberly skin in "arctic valentine 02".
*New faces: Faye skin in "summer".
*The skinnery: Alice skin in " 6 champagne".
*Marina: Kira skin in "beach".

((Additional credits for stuff I'm wearing:))
-Eyelashes: Mons cheri- Mesh alpha lashes w/ hud.
-Teeth/mouth alpha: PXL- Open Mouth-PRO-Basic-Pack-The-Original (vrs 2.0)
(I happen to be wearing an older vrs in this pic, vrs 1.31.)

Before I conclude this post I'd like to share a bit of knowledge I have gained through my collecting of various skins and creating of various shapes.
There are 2 areas on a skin one should really take into consideration when they are interested in purchasing a new skin or shape.

  1. The nose.
  2. The mouth.
These 2 areas are key to indicating whether or not a skin or shape will look good on your avatar.
Both these areas are areas that most skin designers do either 3 things:
  1. Shade/contour/highlight like a true beat faced honey. (okrrr!)
  2. Leave the bridge of the nose entirely flat (no shading/contouring/highlighting) and leave all the detail for the nostrils and septum of the nose.
  3. OR....some designers simply lightly shade/ contour the bridge of the nose of their skins.
((The same is applied for heavily shaded or detailed lip corners/lips in general on skins))
So with that knowledge you could look at a new skin of interest that; for example has a good visible amount of shading/contouring on the bridge of the nose and tell that it'll look funny on your avatar's shape that is currently in a skin that has soft shading on the bridge or vice versa . This is when you need to go in and edit your shapes nose and or lip sliders to your liking. This applies for just about any other body part on a skin that differs in shading.

If you didn't know all this before, you're welcome.
If you did, you're welcome.....I'm glad I made this post too. (LOL)


Monday, November 17, 2014


Hello guys and dolls! 

I know it's been a hot minute since I've last posted much less made a shape and put it up in my MP shop.

Wait no longer!

I've made a shape out of boredom over the weekend on a whim and decided that I'd put her up for sale.

Now...I've made this shape available for only limited quantities. So if you want her don't hesitate to snatch her up while you still can. Only 30 copies of her are available.

With that said....meet Aida!

I made her wearing TheShops "Alana" skin. I first thought "I wanna kinda make her to look like an Ethiopian beauty....or something east African." But I feel she's kinda reminiscent of an anime character.....kinda.

And remember! Don't forget to demo her first! And if you like her please leave a review...or if you don't leave some constructive criticism. I enjoy reading what you guys think. Good or bad. It helps me grow! :)
