Thursday, January 17, 2013

"On the phone closing deals, George tell 'em next half a mill."

What's hood guys + dolls?!?!

Me? I'm well, been keeping busy in my rl....and it will get even more hectic by tomorrow. I will be venturing into a new project and I'm beyond excited about that. So that and my part time job will keep me VERY busy and most likely tired and therefore I will not be online in secondlife as often as I usually am.

WITH THAT SAID! Lets talk about my ootd! It's VERY playful, colourful and of course sassy and consists of my ALL TIME FAV colour: Pink! By the time I finished putting this look together I wanted to shoot it some where slightly abstract and colourful! Then I found an art sim that has a variety of different original paintings that your avatar can be apart of! It's mad dope and I encourage photographers/ art lovers to check this sim out! ART BOX - The Original, Klaw (22, 23, 27)

The whole theme/ look of todays post ended up being VERY "In living colour" inspired.
So I thought it would be appropriate to have Iggy Azalea's "My world" to be the musical score for this post. Hence the title of this post being a line from this bomb track!

Totally back on my indigo hair colour tips again....had to bring it back, missed it too much!<3


*Hair accessory: Burley- "Missie mouse 08" (mesh)

*Eye makeup:  R.icielli- 9 makeup pack- "Malva eyeshadow + pink eyeliner"

*Lipstick: Pink acid- "Elegant lipstick in Merlot"

*Necklaces: 7891- "Vation necklace" 
Bell balls essentials- "Double crossed Necklace black"

*Bracelets + Watch: Illmatic- "Lena pendant bracelet" (Old Fi*Friday item)

*Rings: 7891- "Ring gang in gold"
Bell balls essentials- "Cheetah metal ring gold"

Iggy Azalea- MY WORLD.


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

"I'm a firecracker, boy don't tell your mother"

Ahhh, HELLOOOOO guys + dolls!

My apologies for my tardiness on this post. Real life has gotten a bit busy, and I have a feeling it will only get busier with some new developments that are brewing right now.

SOOOO this is my 2nd OOTD post. And it's featuring some of my fav items that I just can't seem to take off! Despite the frigid weather here in Canda I've been in a VERY sunshiny mood and have been rocking summery looks on the SL grid. This post is also featuring a new shape I've made that I will FOR sure put up @ D i t t o*, so stay tuned for that!

This pic was taken at the Tableau sim.


*Studded hair band: Mijin Boutique- "Studs head band black & gold."

*Sunglasses: La Malvada Mujer- "The sun is coming #4"

*Necklace: Bellballs essentials-  "Double crossed Necklace black"

*Tshirt: Autres- "Scrunch crop slayer"

*Hi-waisted vintage floral shorts: Illmatic- "Vintage wasit highs floral"

Thigh Tattoo: Juicy box- "Runaway"

*Back pack: Toki Doki- "attic boho bag (fall red)"

*Pumps: Medley- "Basic bitch heels (Chocolate) **Medley is now closed! :(**

Might I add I LOVE the irony that is this whole look! It can't be seen in this pic but I'm wearing fangs....and the fact that I'm wearing fangs, a band tshirt that says "Slayer" and double cross' around my neck makes me giggle!




Friday, January 4, 2013

"I'm going in for the kill, I'm doing it for a thrill"


So I've got another post for y'all. A quickie beauty post to be specific. As some of may know I am in LOVE with Pink acid's lipstick this particular pack that I'm posting about is no exception!

What I love about this pack is that it actually looks like what it says it is! Like Creme! Not no knock off cream, but that LUXORIOUS creme de la creme! Know what I'm sayin'? ;p

Anyways I love the subtle hint of gloss and the sort of creamy look to all the colours in the pack. I decided to blog this in my Lilac body co skin since it looks waaay better in it compared to my default Illmatic skin.

(Side note: I'm rocking a new shape I tweaked in this pic, possibly might put it up on my mp! So stay tuned!)

This shade is my fav of the pack! I simply ADORE pink so I HAD to blog this one! <3
Thanks Stasey! :D

I'll have an OOTD post up when I get some sleep in me and tend to some real life business!
Stay tuned! ;)
