Thursday, January 17, 2013

"On the phone closing deals, George tell 'em next half a mill."

What's hood guys + dolls?!?!

Me? I'm well, been keeping busy in my rl....and it will get even more hectic by tomorrow. I will be venturing into a new project and I'm beyond excited about that. So that and my part time job will keep me VERY busy and most likely tired and therefore I will not be online in secondlife as often as I usually am.

WITH THAT SAID! Lets talk about my ootd! It's VERY playful, colourful and of course sassy and consists of my ALL TIME FAV colour: Pink! By the time I finished putting this look together I wanted to shoot it some where slightly abstract and colourful! Then I found an art sim that has a variety of different original paintings that your avatar can be apart of! It's mad dope and I encourage photographers/ art lovers to check this sim out! ART BOX - The Original, Klaw (22, 23, 27)

The whole theme/ look of todays post ended up being VERY "In living colour" inspired.
So I thought it would be appropriate to have Iggy Azalea's "My world" to be the musical score for this post. Hence the title of this post being a line from this bomb track!

Totally back on my indigo hair colour tips again....had to bring it back, missed it too much!<3


*Hair accessory: Burley- "Missie mouse 08" (mesh)

*Eye makeup:  R.icielli- 9 makeup pack- "Malva eyeshadow + pink eyeliner"

*Lipstick: Pink acid- "Elegant lipstick in Merlot"

*Necklaces: 7891- "Vation necklace" 
Bell balls essentials- "Double crossed Necklace black"

*Bracelets + Watch: Illmatic- "Lena pendant bracelet" (Old Fi*Friday item)

*Rings: 7891- "Ring gang in gold"
Bell balls essentials- "Cheetah metal ring gold"

Iggy Azalea- MY WORLD.


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